DATEX II v3.4 Downloads

Release notes

Platform Independent Model

The TrafficRegulation namespace was significantly updated to meet new requirements.

The new namespace ControlledZone was added as a complement to TrafficRegulation, to provide specialisations for controlled access zones.

As the TrafficRegulation namespace has changed, it has been moved to the unstable Namespaces part of DATEX II, because it no longer complies with the CEN-TS 16157- Part 11. The ControlledZone namespace is new and therefore also in the unstable Namespaces part.

The FaultAndStatus namespace, not originally produced by the core European DATEX II development project, has now been updated by that project to improve its design and meet additional requirements.

Minor backwards-compatible changes

The CommonExtension and LocationExtension namespaces have both been separated into “Final” and “Draft” packages to indicate content that is guaranteed to retain backwards compatibility in version 3.X and content that may change.

Incorrect association end metadata (never visualised in EA v15 and before) was corrected to allow correct visualisation in EA v16.

A few association elements and one class with non-default line colour have reverted to default line colour.

Two definitions in the EnergyInfrastructure namespace were updated to align with trivial changes made by CEN in the publication of TS 16157-10.

Several definitions in the Facilities namespace were updated to align with trivial changes made by CEN in the publication of TS 16157-12.

Definition of EnergyInfrastructureStation::refillPointByReference functionally corrected.

The class NamedArea in the Common namespace has been moved from the Validity package to the package one level up.

Definition of GmlLineString::posList attribute clarified.

Model Files

From version 16 of Enterprise Architect, the EAP file format is no longer supported, and the default file format is now QEA. In DATEX II release 3.4 both EAP and QEA formats are provided.

DATEX II individual modules

DATEX II data models are available as modules for engineers to select and build for their own applications.


From version 16 of Enterprise Architect, the EAP file format is no longer supported, and the default file format is now QEA. In DATEX II release 3.4 both EAP and QEA formats are provided, to allow working with DATEX II models in various EA versions, though in future it is likely that only QEA files will be provided.

  • DatexIIEmptyPIM.eap - the shell of the DATEX II data model, as an Enterprise Architect .eap model. Use this as a base and then import modules or add your own extensions.

  • DatexIIEmptyPIM.qea - the shell of the DATEX II data model, as an Enterprise Architect .qea model. Use this as a base and then import modules or add your own extensions.

  • DatexIICommon.xml - the DATEX II “Common” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

  • DatexIILocation.xml - the DATEX II “LocationReferencing” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

  • DatexIIEnergyInfrastructure.xml - the DATEX II “EnergyInfrastructure” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

  • DatexIIFacilities.xml - the DATEX II “Facilities” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

  • DatexIIParking.xml - the DATEX II “Parking” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

  • DatexIISituation.xml - the DATEX II “Situation” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

  • DatexIIRoadTrafficData.xml - the DATEX II “RoadTrafficData” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

  • DatexIIVms.xml - the DATEX II “VMS” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.


The following two modules each contain two kinds of content:

  • Content needed for stable namespaces – this is placed in a package named “Final” and will remain backwards compatible in all version 3 releases.

  • Content needed for namespaces yet to reach their final version 3 forms – this is placed in a package named “Draft” and may change in a future version 3 release.

New content may be added to these modules in future version 3 releases

  • DatexIICommonExtension.xml - the DATEX II “CommonExtension” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

  • DatexIILocationExtension.xml - the DATEX II “LocationExtension” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.


Warning! The following modules are made available as drafts but have not yet reached their final version 3 forms i.e. non-interoperable changes are expected in a future v3 release.

  • DatexIIControlledZone.xml - the DATEX II “ControlledZones” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

  • DatexIIGnssExtension.xml - the DATEX II “GNSSExtension” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

  • DatexIIReroutingManagementEnhanced.xml - the DATEX II “ReroutingManagementEnhanced” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

  • DatexIITrafficManagementPlan.xml - the DATEX II “TrafficManagementPlan” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

  • DatexIITrafficRegulation.xml - the DATEX II “TrafficRegulation” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

  • DatexIITrafficSignals.xml - the DATEX II “TrafficSignals” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

  • DatexIIUrbanExtensions.xml - the DATEX II “UrbanExtensions” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.


DATEX II XML Schemas are provided for reference, but note that these contain the full content of their corresponding namespace. Software developers are encouraged to use the DATEX II UML models and the DATEX II schema generation tool to create profiled XML Schemas for their specific application, containing only the elements required.

DATEX II Schema generation tool

On demand a Windows version is available for expert use. Please contact

DATEX II pre-assembled models for convenience

For convenience there also pre-assembled models with common selections. These can be viewed or managed by the Enterprise Architect Tool that can be downloaded from


From version 16 of Enterprise Architect, the EAP file format is no longer supported, and the default file format is now QEA. In DATEX II release 3.4 both EAP and QEA formats are provided, to allow working with DATEX II models in various EA versions, though in future it is likely that only QEA files will be provided.

EAP Files

QEA Files

HTML Model of DATEX II v3.4


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