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DATEX II v 3.2 Downloads

DATEX II individual modules

DATEX II data models are available as modules for engineers to select and build for their own applications.

DatexIIEmptyPIM.eap – the shell of the DATEX II data model, as an Enterprise Architect model. Use this as a base and then import modules or add your own extensions.

DatexIICommon.xml – the DATEX II “Common” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

DatexIILocation.xml – the DATEX II “LocationReferencing” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

DatexIISituation.xml – the DATEX II “Situation” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

DatexIIRoadTrafficData.xml – the DATEX II “RoadTrafficData” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

DatexIIVms.xml – the DATEX II “VMS” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

DatexIIEnergyInfrastructure.xml – the DATEX II “EnergyInfrastructure” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

DatexIIFacilities.xml – the DATEX II “Facilities” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

DatexIIRoadTrafficData.xml – the DATEX II “RoadTrafficData” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

DatexIITrafficRegulation.xml – the DATEX II “TrafficRegulation” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

DatexIIReroutingManagementEnhanced.xml - the DATEX II “ReroutingManagementEnhanced” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

DatexIITrafficManagementPlan.xml - the DATEX II “TrafficManagementPlan” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

DatexIITrafficSignals.xml - the DATEX II “TrafficSignals” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

DatexIILocationExtension.xml - the DATEX II “LocationExtension” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

DatexIICommonExtension.xml - the DATEX II “CommonExtension” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

DatexIIGnssExtension.xml - the DATEX II “GNSSExtension” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

DatexIIUrbanExtensions.xml - the DATEX II “UrbanExtensions” namespace, as an XMI file for import to an Enterprise Architect UML model.

The v3 module for "Parking" is expected early in 2022.


Warning! The following modules are made available as drafts but have not yet reached their final version 3 forms i.e. non-interoperable changes are expected in a future v3 release. This is also valid for the "Fault and Status" namespace in the model


DATEX II XML Schemas are provided for reference, but note that these contain the full content of their corresponding namespace. Software developers are encouraged to use the DATEX II UML models and the DATEX II schema generation tool to create profiled XML Schemas for their specific application, containing only the elements required.

DATEXII_3_Common.xsd - XML Schema for the DATEX II v3.2 Common namespace.

DATEXII_3_LocationReferencing.xsd - XML Schema for the DATEX II v3.2 LocationReferencing namespace.

DATEXII_3_Situation.xsd - XML Schema for the DATEX II v3.2 Situation namespace.

DATEXII_3_Vms.xsd - XML Schema for the DATEX II v3.2 VMS namespace.

DATEXII_3_RoadTrafficData.xsd - XML Schema for the DATEX II v3.2 RoadTrafficData namespace.

DATEXII_3_D2Payload.xsd Root schema that imports schemas for other DATEX II modules.

DATEXII_3_Facilities.xsd - XML Schema for the DATEX II v3.2 Facilities namespace.

DATEXII_3_EnergyInfrastructure.xsd - XML Schema for the DATEX II v3.2 EnergyInfrastructure namespace.

DATEXII_3_TrafficRegulation.xsd - XML Schema for the DATEX II v3.2 TrafficRegulation namespace

DATEXII_3_CommonExtension.xsd - XML Schema for the DATEX II v3.2 CommonExtension namespace.

DATEXII_3_LocationExtension.xsd - XML Schema for the DATEX II v3.2 LocationExtension namespace.

DATEX II Schema generation tool

DATEX II Online schema generation tool - (web version - preferred use)

On demand a Windows version is available for expert use. Please contact

DATEX II pre-assembled models for convenience

For convenience there also pre-assembled models with common selections. These can be viewed or managed by the Enterprise Architect Tool that can be downloaded from .

DATEX II Common – a DATEX II model with only the “Common” namespace present.

DATEX II Location – a DATEX II model with only the “Common” and “LocationReferencing” namespaces present.

DATEX II Situation – a DATEX II model with the “Common”, “LocationReferencing” and “Situation” namespaces present.

DATEX II with VMS and RoadTrafficData - a DATEX II model with the “Common”, “LocationReferencing”, “Situation”, “RoadTrafficdata” and “VMS” namespaces present.

DATEX II Stable Namespaces – a DATEX II model with all the stable V3.2 Namespaces and approved extensions

DATEX II PIM – a DATEX II model with the “Common”, “LocationReferencing”, “Situation”, “RoadTrafficdata” and “VMS” namespaces and also v2-based content for the Parking namespace.

HTML Model of DATEX II V3.2

note When accessed as files from the local file system, the HTML may not render correctly in all browsers - see for further details.

HTML UML Model v3.2 (browsable version)

HTML UML Model v3.2 Zip version (for local use)

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