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Interchange agreement


The interchange agreement is a document that describes bilateral agreements between a Supplier and a Client, needed for the exchange of DATEX II information. The interchange agreement should deal with all the information that is needed for the data exchange to take place. The description assumes that the information exchange follows the basic principles of DATEX II. Specifically, it is assumed that two parties are involved: a Supplier providing content and a Client receiving content.


Time period throughout which the overall agreement is valid

The agreement shall state the time period for which the agreement is valid. It should define the date of commencement and may indicate the date of its ending. Rules for terminating the agreement before the expiry time of the agreement The agreement should specify the conditions under which the contract can be terminated prior to an expiry date.

Company/authority names, contact addresses, telephone, fax and E-mail details

The two parties shall provide the company and the authorities´ names, address and the operational contact with all related communication data such as telephone, fax numbers and email addresses.


IP Address of the Client

The agreement may mention the IP address of the client which is to be used if the supplier is to implement IP address discrimination.

IP Address of the Supplier

The agreement shall mention the IP addresses on which the supplier’s services will be available. Each supplier service may have different applicable conditions associated with it.

Supplier user name

The agreement should stipulate the user name that will be adopted by the supplier.

Client user name

The agreement should stipulate the user name that will be adopted by the client.

Password for Supplier to connect to Client

If the parties decide to use a password, this should be specified. If other means of access control are used these should be specified.

Password for Client to connect to Supplier

If the parties decide to use a password, this should be specified. If other means of access control are used they should be specified.

Data exchange

Choice of network for exchange of data and configuration

All technical information needed for the exchange of data and configuration between the parties should be described (Example: VPN details, router parameters, ...).


The choices made by the supplier and the client have to be compatible:

  • DATEX II model version and any extension,
  • Operating mode,
  • Update method

Location referencing systems

The choices made by the supplier and the client have to be compatible.

When using ALERT-C tables, they have to be exchanged first between the Supplier and the Client and kept compatible when they are updated. When using linear referencing with referents, these latter also have to be exchanged between supplier and clients.

Rights and obligations

Quality of the data

Description of the quality of the data provided by Supplier.

Fail soft mode

Description of actions by Supplier in connection with the Supplier Server being down:

  • actions when Supplier Server is down for planned maintenance,
  • actions when Supplier Server is down following a system failure,
  • actions when Supplier server starts up.

Description of actions by Client in connection with the Client system being down:

  • actions when Client system is down for planned maintenance,
  • actions when Client system is down following a system failure,
  • actions when Client system starts up.

Statement on liability in case of transmission of incorrect information.


Description of payment mechanism for the service, if any.

Data dissemination

Rules for the further dissemination by the Client of information received using DATEXII.

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