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Functional mapping of IDACS datarequirements to DATEX II RSPs

The Generic components of the different alternative fueltypes are all the same. Therefore there is one specific mapping to DATEX II available, where only the energy source specifics are a variation.

The entire mapping is provided in the Annex 1 of this document.

CNG LNG LPG refueling stations

CNG LNG LPG refueling stations infrastructure

Location (GNSS coordinates/ street name)

Data on the location has to be collected in two different ways: as GNSS coordinates and street name. As streets may cover long distances, occur numerous times in the same city or in different cities, the consortium opts for indicating a house number, postal code, town and country in order to get an unambiguous address. Therefore, the following definitions apply:

‘GNSS coordinates’ means the geographical location of the driveway to a refuelling point accessible to the public determined by a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) consisting of a constellation of satellites and a global network of ground stations;

‘Street name’ means the address of a refuelling point accessible to the public consisting of a street name and, if applicable, a house number, postal code, city, country and additional information

Opening hours

‘Opening hours’ means the period in which a refuelling point is accessible to the public

Identification and payment methods

‘Identification and payment methods’ means the way with which users identify themselves and the methods with which they can pay for the gas dispensed as fuel on board motor vehicles

Contact info for owner/operator

‘Contact info for owner/operator’ means a valid phone number at which the operator of a refuelling point dispensing gas used as fuel on board motor vehicles can be contacted

CNG LNG LPG refueling stations actual status

Operational Status

‘Operational status’1 means a status signalling whether dispensing gas used as fuel on board motor vehicles at a refuelling point is possible

The following minimum statuses shall be displayed:

  • “Available”: dispensing gas at the refuelling point is possible without restrictions
  • “Not available”: dispensing gas at the refuelling point is not possible
  • “Outside opening hours”: dispensing gas at the refuelling point is not possible as the refuelling point is currently not accessible to the public
  • “No information”: there is no information available as to whether dispensing gas at the refuelling point is possible without restrictions

The operational status of refuelling points dispensing gas shall be refreshed every 300 seconds as a minimum. A time of 300 seconds is chosen as that is average time it takes to refuel a FCEV and malfunctions occur mostly as a result of wrong handling of the dispenser and associated hardware during the refuelling process. Operators of refuelling points dispensing gas may choose different symbols in order to illustrate these statuses.

Additional information

‘Additional information’ means any information not covered in data categories a) to e)

Apart from the data categories that are to be collected mandatorily as part of IDACS, certain other categories could be useful to the end consumer. For example, other data categories could include:

  • The amount of gas left in the station (once progress to a mass market is made)
  • Current prices for gas in Euros per kg
  • Share of green gas (e.g. according to the CertifHy scheme)
  • Images of the station
  • Origin of funding
  • Refuelling manuals (video training)
  • Payment and billing information
  • General information on gas

The consortium opts not to make the display of such criteria mandatory as part of IDACS, especially as new data categories entail higher costs and maintenance efforts. However, the consortium may find value added in defining these categories at the end of deliverable 2.2.2. even as many of these will be relevant in a future mass market only.

  1. This category should not be mistaken with “availability” in the sense of real-time information on an occupational status, i.e. whether someone is refuelling their car there. 

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