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The functional aim of the NAP

The overall aim of the Directives and its associated Delegated Regulations are to establish a pan European harmonised and aligned infrastructure of data provision in the traffic and travel domain and thus contributing to a safe, green and efficient traffic and travel behaviour throughout Europe.

National Access Points are defined to be the one stop portal for service providers to find all relevant datasets in the datacategories regulated and providing ways how to access this data by a registry or by providing the datasets as a data-portal.


Workflow how to get access to data by ITS Service Providers

The starting point of any NAP is the meta data registry. Here all datasets and their characteristics in terms of datatype, geographical scope, source, owner, conditions of use etc can be found.


The operational process of a NAP looks generally like:

  • Step 1:

    : The Operators register their dataset and its properties in the NAP Metadata registry. It is recommended to register the data that is defined by the EU-EIP harmonised meta data handbook. This is developed in close collaboration with the pan-european service providers. Further details can be found on the following webpage:

  • Step 2:

    : Interested service providers consult the meta-data registry of available datasets and find details about the services of their interest. One piece of information is how and where to register for receiving the data of their interest.

  • Step 3:

    : SP's register for datadelivery to the specific service if needed. In case of anonymous open data provision, registration is not required.

  • Step 4:

    : the flow of data from datasource to ITS Service provider becomes operational.

The data supply itself

It is up to the national NAP policy whether the data can be consumed from the source directly or a DataPortal function is available where the data is made available in technical terms.

The following chapters describe the scenario's according to which the datasupply can take place.

There is also the possibility that within one country an hybrid situation exists, where some Operators provide the DATEX II datasets directly to Service Providers, and other via the DataPortal. There is no additional functionality required that is not already described the previous two links.

For each type of data:

  • EV charging stations,
  • Hydrogen refuelingstations infra
  • Alternative fuel stations

always two datasets are to be provided: one with static data and one with the real time availability.

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