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Recommended Reference Profiles - SRTI

The DATEX II standard supports the entire domain of road traffic and road travel data provision. As a result the DATEX II content standard offers the ablitity of a coherent dataprovision for a wide variety of services in relation to traffic and travel information and management, both on a network and individual basis. To support the different types of services using the DATEX II standard, the concept of Recommended Profiles is available. A profile is a subset of the entire standard, only containing the relevant data-elements required for a specific use case.

To ensure interoperability of information services profiles need to be implemented. Systems implementing the same DATEX II profile are interoperable by definition. To support the EU Delegated Regulations on ITS and the by EU-EIP maintained deployment guides , DATEX II developped and publishes reference profiles. The requirements for these profiles either come from the harmonisation and liaison processes run in the DATEX II organisation, the EU-EIP activity 4.5 or liaison with external stakeholder communities such as TISA and C-Roads.

The EU Delegated Regulations are supported by Recommende Reference Profiles (RRP's). These RRP's contain the minimum set of data-elements required to provide the information meant by the specific datacategory in the specific delegated regulation. With the DATEX II webtool it is possible to combine the RRP's to a set of RRP's covering the available information. Apart from that, it is possible to extent the RRP with information elements that are available in the specific source.

The Data For Road Safety has defined a RSP for the delivery of level 2 SRTI data, originating from vehicles, to the road operators.

It is of utmost importance, regarding the EC goal to provide harmonised data exchange, that the content (data categories) of the Data exchange initiated by the different regulations are modelled identical by the different operators. The supporting documentation set out very clearly which data elements are correspding to the data categories and how they are to be recognised in the profile.

With the on-going maintenance of DATEX II, DATEX II takes care that profiles and their documentation are available when new versions of the relevant parts are published.


For the Delegated Regulation 886/2013 (action C) the SRTI Reference profiles, containing per data-category all events that are known as being SRTI flagged in EU. If someone has information, he is recommended so publish it according to this SRTI Reference Profile. Guarantee that within the SRTI reference profile the data categories of the Delegated Regulation 886/2013 can be easily identified by the users (e.g. by commenting) and that they are distinctly assigned to data elements so that the data categories are modelled in a similar (harmonised) way. This is a pre-requistite to allow harmonised data provision and exchange in the sense of the delegated regulation 886/2013.


Here are links to the documentation for the SRTI Recommended Reference Profiles which are available in the DATEX II webtool.


Temporary slippery road

Animal/people/obstacles/debris on the road

Unprotected accident area

Short term road works

Reduced visibility

Wrong-way driver

Unmanaged blockage of a road

Exceptional weather conditions

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